Note: I was asked to make this thread by Steven (Sml6397) so to have a place to release the BIOS images for this request.
Below is a re-word of what was sent to him initially, so to provide as much information as I can to anyone else looking for this.
I have two FIC MiniEPC GE3 computers in my posession, meant to be some sort of home theater or media PC back in about 2008. They have laptop parts (Santa Rosa, GM965, Core 2 Duo Merom and Penryn support), and I have two versions of the BIOS that need to be unlocked.
I have:
SROSA001.86C.0047.D.0811261729 (GE3-0811261729.ROM) Flashed version, no ACPI settings, and
SROSA001.86C.0047.D.0805082026 (GE3-0805082026.ROM) Older version, has ACPI settings
The BIOSes as it stands are missing a LOT of other settings I usually see pertaining to audio, 1394, WLAN/WAN etc. and the BIOS is quite big to only have the very few settings there that are actually visible. the AHCI setting being visible on the older BIOS but not on the newer one reflects this, and makes me wonder what else is hidden.
The ZIP file which contains both BIOS files can be found HERE via MEGA.
FIC's website is very broken (plus their FTP site is all old stuff!) and has a BIOS file up for the GE2 on the GE3 page (which was formerly for the GE2), which has different hardware... I actually had to do some digging on the internet to find the older BIOS, and I backed up the later one from the second computer. I used this and flashed it to the other one to re-upgrade it and it worked 100%, so it shouldn't be corrupted.
Below is a re-word of what was sent to him initially, so to provide as much information as I can to anyone else looking for this.
I have two FIC MiniEPC GE3 computers in my posession, meant to be some sort of home theater or media PC back in about 2008. They have laptop parts (Santa Rosa, GM965, Core 2 Duo Merom and Penryn support), and I have two versions of the BIOS that need to be unlocked.
I have:
SROSA001.86C.0047.D.0811261729 (GE3-0811261729.ROM) Flashed version, no ACPI settings, and
SROSA001.86C.0047.D.0805082026 (GE3-0805082026.ROM) Older version, has ACPI settings
The BIOSes as it stands are missing a LOT of other settings I usually see pertaining to audio, 1394, WLAN/WAN etc. and the BIOS is quite big to only have the very few settings there that are actually visible. the AHCI setting being visible on the older BIOS but not on the newer one reflects this, and makes me wonder what else is hidden.
The ZIP file which contains both BIOS files can be found HERE via MEGA.
FIC's website is very broken (plus their FTP site is all old stuff!) and has a BIOS file up for the GE2 on the GE3 page (which was formerly for the GE2), which has different hardware... I actually had to do some digging on the internet to find the older BIOS, and I backed up the later one from the second computer. I used this and flashed it to the other one to re-upgrade it and it worked 100%, so it shouldn't be corrupted.