I need help, the motherboard was working without trouble but it didnt have a hard drive after all, Ive managed to find a old HDD PATA W. Digital 250 Gb but thats when it started the problems.
The motherboard only managed to identify 136 Gb out of the 250 Gb on the drive, so Ive looked for a BIOS update before trying to modd the BIOS, I found out that it was realy unupdated so I downloaded the new BIOses looking for resolve this issue about the hard drive limit, since there is no longer floppy disks arround I decide to flash the BIOS through AWDWinFlash on Windows XP SP2.
I made a backup of the old BIOS then started the procedure to flash the new one (update the all BIOS including boot block), it didnt took that mutch time but the program said "Verify Error!" so I got scared on this problem and flashed back the old BIOS but the program said again the error, after dealing with this error Ive flashed back the new updated BIOS and pray that it worked restarting the machine.
After the restart it happend what I was specting, a bad BIOS, the motherboard made 1 long beep followed by 2 short beeps then stops and them starts out with constantly short high beeps and no video.
I managed to find a old floppy disk and made a Windows 98 bootdisk, deleted config.sys and a bunch of unneed files and place the DOS flasher that cames with the BIOS update compressed file and also the BIOS file, and created a AUTOEXEC.BAT with the following line in it:
@AWFL823 W6378VMS.350 /cc /py /sn /r
Putting this bootdisk on the machine, made the exact symptoms that Ive described earlyer put down a PS/2 keyboard and pressed Enter praying that these will work but the machine didnt don anything.
After some hours Ive though why a simple BIOS update of the board failed, and looked down and it was clear that Ive miss flashed a different BIOS, Ive flashed down a MS-6378 BIOS from MSI oficial site and not the MS-6378X-L.
Anyone chance of trying to get back alive this board?
The motherboard only managed to identify 136 Gb out of the 250 Gb on the drive, so Ive looked for a BIOS update before trying to modd the BIOS, I found out that it was realy unupdated so I downloaded the new BIOses looking for resolve this issue about the hard drive limit, since there is no longer floppy disks arround I decide to flash the BIOS through AWDWinFlash on Windows XP SP2.
I made a backup of the old BIOS then started the procedure to flash the new one (update the all BIOS including boot block), it didnt took that mutch time but the program said "Verify Error!" so I got scared on this problem and flashed back the old BIOS but the program said again the error, after dealing with this error Ive flashed back the new updated BIOS and pray that it worked restarting the machine.
After the restart it happend what I was specting, a bad BIOS, the motherboard made 1 long beep followed by 2 short beeps then stops and them starts out with constantly short high beeps and no video.
I managed to find a old floppy disk and made a Windows 98 bootdisk, deleted config.sys and a bunch of unneed files and place the DOS flasher that cames with the BIOS update compressed file and also the BIOS file, and created a AUTOEXEC.BAT with the following line in it:
@AWFL823 W6378VMS.350 /cc /py /sn /r
Putting this bootdisk on the machine, made the exact symptoms that Ive described earlyer put down a PS/2 keyboard and pressed Enter praying that these will work but the machine didnt don anything.
After some hours Ive though why a simple BIOS update of the board failed, and looked down and it was clear that Ive miss flashed a different BIOS, Ive flashed down a MS-6378 BIOS from MSI oficial site and not the MS-6378X-L.
Anyone chance of trying to get back alive this board?