I bought an open box ASrock H87M Pro 4 motherboard today, and found out someone somehow flashed the B85 pro 4 bios on there. Probably why it only boots occasionally and has weird errors.
So I downloaded the exe that contains the bios for the H87M Pro 4 in the exe for dos from ASROCK website. It won't flash because the exe thinks I should be flashing the b85 Pro 4 bios because it is already on it!
I was going to extract the bios from the H87m Pro 4 exe, but cannot find any way to get it out of the EXE.
I found a thread here that said to use AMIUCP 1.04. I cannot find this anywhere on the Internet, I found version 1.07, but when I try to open the exe it gives some error.
Can someone PLEASE either point me to a link to something that will extract the bios from the exe, or extract the bios for me out of this file?
I figured out if you run the bios update exe from Asrock with /X it ignores the current bios on the board, so I was able to force it to flash back to H87M pro 4, for anyone else that finds themselves in this state.
I bought an open box ASrock H87M Pro 4 motherboard today, and found out someone somehow flashed the B85 pro 4 bios on there. Probably why it only boots occasionally and has weird errors.
So I downloaded the exe that contains the bios for the H87M Pro 4 in the exe for dos from ASROCK website. It won't flash because the exe thinks I should be flashing the b85 Pro 4 bios because it is already on it!
I was going to extract the bios from the H87m Pro 4 exe, but cannot find any way to get it out of the EXE.
I found a thread here that said to use AMIUCP 1.04. I cannot find this anywhere on the Internet, I found version 1.07, but when I try to open the exe it gives some error.
Can someone PLEASE either point me to a link to something that will extract the bios from the exe, or extract the bios for me out of this file?
I figured out if you run the bios update exe from Asrock with /X it ignores the current bios on the board, so I was able to force it to flash back to H87M pro 4, for anyone else that finds themselves in this state.